摘要 Brief
2021年9⽉蓝睛灵共开展了3期常规活动,5次「百⽇计划」2期导师专业辅导课、4次导师⼀对⼀辅导, 2期看健100⽆障碍健⾝活动和1次「看健100」开放⽇。
In September 2021, Lanjingling carried out 3 regular Weekend Activities, 5 professional tutoring sessions, 4 one-on-one tutoring, 2 Fitness 100 accessible fitness activities and 1 open day of the Fitness 100 accessible fitness activities.
⽂字 Writer:陈晓斌 Clark CHEN
翻译 Translator:童雨萱 Barbie TONG 王宏毅 Yoyo WANG
编辑 Editor:李纪元 Annie LI
蓝睛灵编辑部 Lanjingling Editorial Office
发布⽇期: 2021/10/27
The Biggest News!
2021做你的眼睛「绳上 100 」公益挑战赛报名开始
2021做你的眼睛「绳上 100 」公益挑战赛将于 10⽉15⽇~10⽉31⽇进⾏,报名从9月30日开始。
挑战距离需累计完 成100公⾥,通过微信⼩程序注册。活动组别为:个⼈组( 1⼈)、陪伴组( 2⼈)和团队组 (4~10⼈),挑战成功将获颁完赛奖牌、完赛帽及电⼦完赛证书。
The 2021 beYoureyeS charity event Rope 100 will be held on October 15th to 30th. Participants can regist from Sep.30.
The challenge distance is 100km in total, and you can register on WeChat mini programs. The group categories are : individual group (1 person), company group (2 people) and team group (4—10 people). People who succeed in the challenge will be rewarded by a trophy, a cap and an electronic certificate.
做你的眼睛第256期⾄258期的常规陪跑活动于9⽉5⽇、12⽇和19⽇在世纪公园、闵⾏⽂化 公园开展。
The 256—258th Regular Weekend Activities were held at Century Park and Minhang Cultural Park on September 5th, 12th and 19th. The activity that was originally scheduled on September 26th was canceled because of the National Day.
Following the 258th regular weekend activity on September 19th, members and friends of Lanjingling sat on the greens of the Minhang Cultural Park, preparing for the Mid-Autumn Festival Picnic Party.
Lanjingling Mid-Autumn Festival Picnic Party
While the feast was nice, the fun was even more spectacular. Visually impaired member Wei Zhang performed “Autumn Twitters” with his trumpet. Another talented visually impaired member, Yi Er, hosted the third season of the game “Guess what”, bringing storms of applause and laughter.
100 Days Engagement
9⽉26⽇晚 19:30分,在妮⼦⽼师热情洋溢的声⾳中,「百⽇计划」2期结营仪式拉开了序幕。已经成功⼊职新岗位的何得逵、胡⽂倩、史⾬豪3位学员结合⾃⼰的实际⼯作经历分享了⾃⼰的收获和思考。其他学员也从多个⾓度分享了⾃⼰的收获。
We are continuing on the professional training and one-on one tutoring of the Second 100 Days Engagement.
On September 5th, the 10th session, the costumer service manger of Golden Data company brought the production and formation of the data statements to Mr Lu.
On September 11th, the 11th session, Ms. Wang Haiping analyzed each person’s potential via a professional portrait test, and answered questions according to the actual situation.
On September 19th, the 12th session of the program, Li Jiyuan (Annie), career development counsellor and co-founder of Lanjingling, delivered a speech about 3 practical tools of career planning and gave examples according to the model, inspiring students to recall their own experiences and develop new ideas.
The closing ceremony of the second 100 Days Engagement
Program began at 19:30 on September 26th with the enthusiastic intro of teacher Nizi. He Dekui, Hu Wenqian and She Yuhao who had entered the new positions successfully shared their gains and thoughts along with other students.
The second 100 Days Engagement online classes had concluded from Jul.4 to Sep.26.
Volunteer tutors with rich workplace experiences set up one-on-one tutoring after each professional tutoring.
Here we congratulate and thank all tutors and volunteers who participated in the program.
( ↑↑↑ Click the text about 100 Days Engagement)
Fitness 100
9 ⽉,健⾝房迎来了⼏位年长的视障者,让更多的视障者能有机会体验⽆障碍健⾝的快乐。看健100项⽬就是希望能通过实践和倡导,让视障者能像健视者⼀样⾃由参与健⾝活动。
9⽉25⽇下午4点⾄晚上8点,作为lululemon中国的社区合作伙伴,蓝睛灵与lululemon浦东嘉⾥城门店联合在Core's美⽣活开展了「看健 100 」⽆障碍健⾝项⽬的开放⽇活动。本次开 放⽇邀请了上海市盲协主席赵继红⽼师和经常参与⽆障碍健⾝活动的视障伙伴以及部分⼤⽩陪跑员了解及体验⽆障碍健⾝。
开放⽇通过分享会和体验环节,宣传⽆障碍运动的理念。看健 100是蓝睛灵发起的⽆障碍健 ⾝项⽬,视障者⾛进健⾝房,在专业健⾝教练的带领下,安全独⽴地完成个⼈锻炼。希望 有更多的健⾝房和健⾝爱好者参与进来,让视障者的健⾝梦想不再被拒绝,让健⾝也能成 为更多视障者的爱好之⼀。
The 40th Fitness 100 activity was carried out.
On September 6th and 20th, the 39th and 40th Fitness 100 activities were carried out. In September, the gym welcomed new friends to enjoy the accessible fitness activities .
The aim of Fitness 100 is to let visually impaired people participate in exercises by practice and advocacy.
Fitness 100 Open Day Activities
From 4PM to 8PM, as the community partner of Lululemon, Lanjingling and Lululemon Pudong Kerry Parkside store jointly carried out the open day of Fitness 100 in Core’s Fitness Gym. For the open day, we invited Mr. Zhao Jihong, chairman of Shanghai Association for Visually Impaired Personnel, and visually impaired friends who frequently participate in these activities , as well as guide runners who have experiences and understanding in accessible fitness. The open day publicized the idea of accessible fitness by sharing sessions and experiencing links.
The Fitness 100 Accessible Fitness project, initiated by Lanjingling, encourages people to step into the gym and carry out their own exercises safely and independently under the guidance of professional fitness coaches. We are hoping that more gyms and fitness enthusiasts will join us. Importantly, we hope that our visually impaired friends can achieve their dreams of fitness.
Lanjingling's Colorful Lives
Lanjingling’s story : ‘Li Songsong : Walk Out , a Better Future for the Visually Impaired’
On September 5th, the editorial office released this post. Li Songsong who joined Lanjingling in November 2020 was a student of the first 100 Days Engagement Youth Career Development for Persons with Visual Impairments. In just 10 months, he had gone from an ordinary participant to a voluntary staff. He faced his fear and queries by continual integration and practice, and finally came across the gulf in his heart.
( ↑↑↑ Click the text above to enjoy the story and thinking from Songsong LI)
This marks the end of this month’s newsletter, thank you for reading. We will see you next month.
beYoureyeS is a charitable activity, launched in Shanghai in January 2015, is devoted to promoting the concept of sports accessibility, making it possible for persons with visually impairments.
Everyone attending our activities calls each other Lanijngling, no matter what kind of physical condition he or she is in, and that is where our NGO’s name came from.
We believe that everyone can participate in sports freely and naturally, can enjoy the happiness, freedom and well-being derived from sports.
We organize diverse activities, encourage all walks of life to participate in sports and cross-border, and ultimately be aware of human dignity.
We know that the road to follow requires a heart of the Ironman, needs physical strength and endurance, wisdom and courage, patience and time.
Thank you for your support and your company along the way.
Experiential Philanthropy Activity, CSR Activity, School Inclusive Activity, Adaptive Sports Race
Fitness 100、Rope 100、100Days Engagement
微信:beyoureyes 或扫描二维码
We hope that whilst we're in the competition together,
we may all converge our energy as one to make each and all strong,
We hope that whilst doing sports together,
we are able to find the nerve to be strong enough to face challenges head on.