摘要 Brief
In June 2021, the offline growth camp of the second "100 Days Engagement" Program was successfully launched.
This month, beYoureyeS has carried out 4 regular weekend activities, 3 CSR activities, 2 "Fitness 100" accessible fitness sessions, and 2 specials.
文字 Writer:陈晓斌 Clark
翻译 Translator:胡文倩 Susie 王弘毅 Yoyo
编辑 Editor:李纪元 Annie
蓝睛灵编辑部 Lanjingling Editorial Office
本月头条 The Biggest News!
百日计划 100 Days Engagement
The Offline Growth Camp of the Second 100 Days Engagement Program Launched Successfully.

We successfully carried out the beYoureyeS·WORKPLACE EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM, “100Days Engagement” Career Development for Persons with Visual Impairments, from June 20 to 23, 2021.
From June 20th through to 23rd, 2021, the second 100 Days Engagement workplace empowerment program was successfully launched in Shanghai.

The program involves two stages
The first stage is the Growth Camp, launched on June 20. In this stage, participants engage in 4 days of active training, through which they visit Google and Ant Group, communicate with their employees, and set 100 days goals.

The second is the implementation stage. Within 100 days, after returning to their places of residence, participants will formulate and implement their 100 days plan. They will also have work and internship opportunities in relative corporations.

在2020年12月,蓝睛灵开启了百日计划「100 Days Engagement」,汇集各大企业志愿者团队,构建起一座视障青年走向职场的桥梁;在工作中实现自我价值,是一切尊严的根基。
In December 2020, Lanjingling initiated the 100 days engagement Program. Supported by volunteer teams from large enterprises, the program established a bridge through which youths with visual impairment can enter the workplace. The fulfillment of personal values through work is the foundation of dignity.

For long, employment has been a great challenge for people with disabilities, and inclusive employment is even more difficult. If you apt for inclusive employment, Lanjingling will give you any support you possibly need. In spite of potential twists and turns on the way, hope abounds.

详情请见 more details 《做你的眼睛 · 视障者职场赋能“百日计划”2期》
链接: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/go08nkC8ndzgIha0l_onKA
The 244th-247th beYoureyeS regular weekend activity took place in Century Park and Minhang Culture Park on June 6th, 12th, 20th, and 27th.

From June 2021 onwards, regular weekend activities will again be held in one place only.

15 nationwide trainees from the 100 Days Engagement Program participated in the 246th regular weekend activity. After finishing independent mobility trainings, they experienced running with Lanjingling guide runners. Jin Xingyu, a bright kid, participated in the activity on the 27th and became a member of the Lanjingling running family, after having stayed home for two years straight due to sight loss,

Additionally, Li Guanghui and Gaohui passed the DaBai exam, officially becoming qualified guide runners.

Corporate Social Responsibility Activities
lululemon CSR activity
6月3日周四上午,蓝睛灵联合知名瑜伽服装品牌露露柠檬 (Lululemon),在闵行文化公园开展了“做你的眼睛”CSR体验式活动。活动中主持人以“无障碍”作为关键词分享了蓝睛灵培训师们各自的故事。随后培训师们边分享、边演示,让参与者们体验了视障者出行和运动的状态。
Lanjingling, in cooperation with lululemon, a famous Yoga clothing brand, carried out a CSR activity in Minhang Culture Park on June 3rd AM. During this activity, the host shared stories of trainers of Lanjingling with accessibility as the key theme. They talked about how members with visual impairment go out independently and engage in exercises, and led the audiences to experience these matters themselves.

Lanjingling in Ant Group
In the morning of June 18, in order to prepare for June 22nd’s first ‘100 Days Engagement Program’ open day, Lanjingling arrived at Ant Group for a rather unique CSR event. Through trainers’ humorous introduction and vivid demonstrations, employees from Ant Group furthered their insights into visual impairment and how to best support persons with visual impairment on the open day.

Methanex CSR Activity
In collaboration with Methanex, a well-known enterprise, and its cooperative companies, Lanjingling carried out an experience-driven CSR activity in New Hongqiao Park on June 25 PM. Upon bathing the warm summer sunlight, attendees from the corporation learned about accessibility and inaccessibility together with trainers from Langjingling.

Art And Viewing Film
Lanjingling appreciating musical theater, The Orphan Of Chao
In the evening of June forth, more than 50 Lanjingling arrived at Shanghai Cultural Square to watch the live musical of ‘The Orphans Of Chao’. They indulged in an art fantasy.

Lanjingling Invited to join the accessible screening premiere of ‘Day and Night in Wuhan’
On June 12, Lanjingling, under the invitation from the Shanghai Film Screening Association, organized 10 members with visual impairment to participate in the premiere of the accessible screening of the movie ‘Day and Night in Wuhan’ during the Shanghai International Film Festival ‘Hundred Years March – Red Visionaries Unit’

100 Days Engagement Participants Watch Accessible Movie
On June 21st, trainees of the 100 Days Engagement Program went to the cinema to watch “Day and Night in Wuhan”, a movie about the journey of coronavirus containment in Wuhan. This is the first time for many of them to watch an accessible movie in an inclusive cinema. “I felt the fascination of seeing a movie in the cinema. It makes me focused on the storyline and the emotion that the film wishes to express. But there such inclusive cinemas are rare so I really wish that this concept can spread,” said Wenqian, one of the trainees.

*「至爱影院 — 无障碍观影」影院只需安装无障碍观影的无线耳机及发射装置,视障人士就可以在任意时间、任意地点,走进任意一家影院,坐下来自由地看一场电影。
*「For Love Cinema — accessible movie-watching」By installing wireless earphones and transmission devices, people with visual impairment can enjoy a movie at any time anywhere, in any cinema.
Fitness 100
Fitness 100 Continues
The 29th and 30th ‘Fitness 100’ virtual fitness activities were held on June 7th and 8th respectively. Vigorous fitness activities continued despite the scorching hot sun. Every droplet of sweat brings greater possibilities.

As an accessible fitness project initiated by Lanjingling, Fitness 100 encourages people with visual impairment to step into the gym and carry out their own exercises safely and independently under the guidance of professional fitness coaches. We hope that more fitness enthusiasts and gyms will join us in ‘Fitness 100’. Let the fitness dream of people with visual impairment become reality and fitness squeeze into a page of their book.

Public Benefit Passport
The Public Benefit Passport is a public service item of One Network Handling All (a government affairs platform), which runs under the Shanghai Municipal Government. The main body of enforcement of the PBP is the Bureau of Civil Affairs, and its carrier is the credit card of the Shanghai Bank of Agriculture and Commerce; used for marking volunteer identities, its three major functions are recording information, securing rights and interests, and encouraging and awarding.

成功办理公益护照后,你就可以参与公益基地的志愿服务并获得相关权益保障。请在 “公益上海”公众号搜索蓝睛灵公益组织,关键词“蓝睛灵”(编号:02421),加入我们开展的各项活动。同时成为“公益上海”注册志愿者,记录参与志愿活动的服务时长、获得积分,并且获得意外保险保障。
After obtaining the PBP successfully, you can join volunteer services at NGOs and get secure related rights and interests. Please subscribe to the WeChat public account “上海公益”, and search “蓝睛灵”(serial number: 02421) to join the various activities we organize. At the same time, you can become a registered volunteer of “公益上海”, record volunteer service duration, gain credit scores, and obtain accident insurances.
*The credit score system is temporarily unavailable, the official is still in the testing stage, and the credit score system has not been officially launched.
This month’s newsletter hereby ends, thank you for reading. See you next month.
beYoureyeS is a charitable activity, launched in Shanghai in January 2015, is devoted to promoting the concept of sports accessibility, making it possible for persons with visually impairments.
Everyone attending our activities calls each other Lanijngling, no matter what kind of physical condition he or she is in, and that is where our NGO’s name came from.
We believe that everyone can participate in sports freely and naturally, can enjoy the happiness, freedom and well-being derived from sports.
We organize diverse activities, encourage all walks of life to participate in sports and cross-border, and ultimately be aware of human dignity.
We know that the road to follow requires a heart of the Ironman, needs physical strength and endurance, wisdom and courage, patience and time.
Thank you for your support and your company along the way.
Experiential Philanthropy Activity, CSR Activity, School Inclusive Activity, Adaptive Sports Race
Fitness 100、Rope 100、100Days Engagement
微信:beyoureyes 或扫描二维码

We hope that whilst we're in the competition together,
we may all converge our energy as one to make each and all strong,
We hope that whilst doing sports together,
we are able to find the nerve to be strong enough to face challenges head on.