摘要 Brief
In September, beYoureyeS carried out 4 regular weekend activities, 3 CSR activities and 3 specials; made 1 event announcement; organized 2 accessible theater events; and got invited to 2 cultural exchange events.
文字 Writer: 晓斌 Clark
翻译 Translator: 宏毅 Yoyo
编辑 Editor:纪元 Annie
蓝睛灵编辑部 Lanjingling Editorial Office
The Biggest News!
Zhiai Cinema Reboots, Lanjingling Organized Accessible Movies
Zhiai Cinema Accessible Movies Resumed
On September 30th, over ten Lanjingling members were invited to attend the Resumption Ceremony. Following a speech by the representative of Shanghai Film Distribution and Exhibition Corporation and Shanghai Motion Pictures Corporation, Xiaobin from beYoureyeS took the floor to deliver a speech as a representative of the visually impaired community.

As the chief executor of the Zhiai Cinema Project, Lanjingling will partake the responsibility to conduct accessible movie-screening activities and accessible service training sessions for staff members.

After the ceremony, Lanjingling members enjoyed the accessible version of the movie ‘Me and My Home Town’.
The First Ever Copyrighted Public Release of Commercial Accessible Movie

On October 5th, 16 visually impaired Lanjingling members and 8 volunteers watched the new blockbuster movie ‘Vanguard’. This was the first copyrighted public release of a commercial movie in the nation. In the same screening room there were ordinary audiences who have individually purchased the tickets, they probably haven’t noticed the historic significance of that seemingly average movie screening.

It was a life-first-ever experience for most of the visually impaired audiences on the day. Later they commented: this form of movie watching really allows for thorough understanding of the actors’ specific motions, and allows us to anticipate and enjoy the newest films with our family members aside.

beYoureyeS 213th to 216th regular weekend activities were carried out on September 6th, 13th, 20th, and 26th respectively in Century Park and Minhang Cultural Park. Specifically, the 215th regular activity on September 20th was carried out in Minhang Cultural Park, and the other three were carried out in both Pudong and Puxi simultaneously.

In September, Junjie Li, Li Tian, Lingli Xie, and Yong Ju passed the assessment to become Dabai Guide Runner.

Junjie Li said: participating in beYoureyeS activities with a ‘guide runner’ bib cloth makes me feel more responsible and obligatory.

Li Tian said: in beYoureyeS activities, I can sense the passions towards running of our visually impaired members. They keep a positive attitude in life. In these events, it really is the resonances between our hearts and minds that keep us attached.

谢伶俐分享到通过这段时间的参加活动,我觉得 “做你的眼睛” 这个活动不仅非常有意义,而且对我自己也是一种锻炼和提高,深深体会到陪跑需要爱心,需要耐心,更需要细心,才能让视障伙伴放心。视障伙伴王松涛在9月20日中秋节团聚时参加了陪跑活动,成为了新蓝睛灵。
Lingli Xie said: through my participation, I really came to believe beYoureyeS isn’t just meaningful, it’s helpful in terms of how it invigilates and nurtures my own improvements. Guide running requires love, patience, and most importantly, care.
Visually impaired member Songtao Wang joined Lanjingling in the September 20th regular weekend activity.

2020 「Rope100」is starting
Still fresh in our minds are the off the mark horns, the puddle trains, the persistence, and the riveting acclamations at the end of the race in the 2019 ‘100km on ropes’ relay charity race.

2020 「绳上100」,我们继续挑战继续High!
2020 ‘100km on ropes’, the stakes are high, you dare to accept the challenge?!
We will be releasing more details in our future posts, sign up and join!

Corporate Social Responsibility Activities
‘beYoureyeS’ Promotion at Apple
On September 4th, 4 members of Lanjingling went to Apple Inc for Apple’s Midday Charity Event. As our long-time partner, ‘beYoureyeS’ guide running activities are deeply popular among members of Apple Inc.

The goal of this trip was to educate and promote the concept of accessibility. We encourage members of Apple Inc to participate in beYoureyeS activities in the future.
Lanjingling CSR activity with Swiss Army Knife Company

9月18日下午,在山水环抱的长风公园,蓝睛灵受邀参与瑞士军刀公司的内部团建活动。结合本次户外拓展活动的主题——“冒险”, 蓝睛灵伙伴们从自己的经历出发,介绍了视障者如何挑战“独立出行的冒险”,邀请大家换位体验。
On September 18th, in the beautifully landscaped Chang Feng Park, Lanjingling was invited to attend a team-building event with Swiss Army Knife Company. Surrounding the theme of ‘adventures’, members of Lanjingling shared their experiences and insights into the daily adventures of going out without accompaniment for visually impaired people. Then they invited them to step into the shoes of a visually impaired person to get a first-handed experience into this special form of adventure.

In the indistinct autumn rain, three groups of Lanjingling training partners led the Swiss Knife members to practice daily protocols with the visually impaired and the techniques of guide-running. Then the participants entered a mini guide-running competition and a toy-passing game.

The respect for the disabled community propagated like the raindrops, warming the hearts of everyone along.
CSR Activity with Apple Inc
During the regular weekend activity on the 26th of September, about a dozen members from different sectors of Apple Inc attended the special CSR activity.

For that session, the host mainly focused on the protocols and habits of the Visually Impaired, we hope that our participants will use what they’ve learned to provide necessary assistance to instances where disabled people are in need for help.

Special Events
“Fitness 100” Fitness Project Lanched!
9.9公益日,一场公益健身活动在康桥路The Core's的优雅健身房拉开序幕。选在这天活动是碰巧,但是想要做这样的适能体育健身活动的想法却由来已久。这一天,从未进过健身房的韩星辰特别兴奋,作为乐队的吉他手,他的愿望是要更健康的生活,也希望以更潇洒的身姿站在舞台上。而一直喜欢运动的天保,摸着各种健身器材,每种都想尝试练上一趟。
On September 9th World Philanthropy Day, a charity fitness event was carried out in ‘The Core’s’ fitness gym. The date was a coincidence, but the wish of hosting an adaptive sports & fitness event was long-rooted.

Our members are all quite adaptive when it comes to trying out new things, and beYoureyeS is also willing to explore the different options of accessible adaptive sports activities. In the gym, they handled fitness equipment that they’ve never tried before and learned extra knowledge about fitness and sports.

On the 23rd of September, the second session of ‘Fitness 100’ was carried out as scheduled. There attended 3 visually impaired members. Judging their body conditions and needs, Coach Aidon arranged individual exercise schemes involving chest press, pull-ups, and stretching.

On the 29th of September, the third session of ‘Fitness 100’ was carried out in Core’s as scheduled.
Lanjingling invited to attend the US Shanghai Embassy Cultural Event
On the 24th of September, Jiyuan and Xiangdong arrived at the US Embassy in Shanghai to attend an invitational banquet.

On the 28th, Xiangdong, Hongjie and Chenhui attended the US Shanghai Embassy Cultural Exahange event.

Lanjingling's Colorful Lives
Mid-Autumn Festival Picnic

On September 20th, the autumn breeze was refreshing, golden osmanthus fragrant, and Lanjingling ushered in the Pudong Puxi Grand Gala in September in the beautiful Minhang Cultural Park, and there was an exciting Mid-Autumn Festival picnic for hundreds of people.

Ms. Hong gave a brief introduction to the growth process of Lan Jingling. Jiyuan said that our life is actually a line that repeats every day. Every small activity of Lan Jingling is like a small pearl, and every big activity is A big pearl, countless large and small pearls connect our lives into a beautiful pearl necklace.

We have grown up together in this big family for more than five years. Now, the second generation of Xiao lanjingling have lined up to pass on the friendship and strength here with us!

Let us look forward to the next five years and ten years of Lan Jingling...It is equally exciting, because one person affects a group of people, and a group of people can affect a city...

Nowadays, on many tracks, parks, and gyms in Shanghai, you can see guider runners stay with visually impaired partners, fitness, swimming, karate, learning English, understanding nature... We all explore this together the infinite possibilities of the world.

When the Nation’s Anthem Ring, Joyous Union Lan-jing Ling

On September 26th, during the 216th Regular Weekend Activity, Bao Shu prepped the backstage props: number ‘71’ for 71st National Holiday; 4 large letter prints of ‘Long Live Motherland’; and a huge National Flag. Though it seemed like it wasn’t enough of a celebration: many even had flag stickers on their faces!

When the bright smiles and the happy flags freeze-frame, when the blessing hearts and the heartful blessings much gain… They cheered and yelled in jubilance: ‘Happy National Anniversary! Go Lanjingling! Long Live Motherland!’

Surprising and incredible were the near-national-holiday birthdays of Bao Shu, Li Hao, and Yi Er, and of course, Lanjingling members planned surprises for them. Tao Yin and Yiqiong Liu made two amazing hand-made birthday cakes, for which every pigment and embellishment is a deliberate choice with profound meanings. Wish the three many happy returns.

This marks the end to our Monthly Newsletter, please like and share. See you next month!

beYoureyeS is a local NGO founded in January 2015 in Shanghai, China.
beYoureyeS is dedicated to promote sports accessibility, make it easier for visually impaired people to enjoy sports. Let everyone enjoy sports.
Whether a visually impaired runner or unimpaired runner, all of our participants are called "Lanjingling".
Lanjingling conveys the spirit of our concept: our charity caters to a variety of sports, road running, swimming, cycling and triathlon, to list a few. With us, regardless of the physical impairment, those who wish to participate in a race, are able to.
We hope to see you soon on the track and let's do something together for sports accessibility.
微信:beyoureyes 或扫描二维码

We hope that whilst we're in the competition together,
we may all converge our energy as one to make each and all strong,
We hope that whilst doing sports together,
we are able to find the nerve to be strong enough to face challenges head on.