摘要 Brief
In August, beYoureyeS carried out 5 regular weekend activities, 1 school-inclusive activity and 2 specials; and launched the beYoureyeS WeChat Channels.
文字 Writer:Clark 晓斌
翻译 Translator:Neville泱而, Yoyo宏毅
编辑 Editor:纪元 Annie
蓝睛灵编辑部 Lanjingling Editorial Office
The Biggest News!
健身直播阶段性收尾 健身无障碍在路上
Virtual fitness coming to a pause, fitness accessibility going into its stride!
On August 24th, as the end of the first stage of virtual fitness on Tik-tok ,also the beginning to promote fitness accessibility for visually impaired peoples, visually impaired members of Lanjingling tried some novel training exercises including ‘mat-tumbling’ and training on various sports equipment with the assistance of a Coach and several volunteers.

Cooperatively, Core’s Fitness Club and beYoureyeS will together promote fitness accessibility movement, making fitness rooms more approachable, accessible, and safe, hence raising the living quality of visually impaired people.
详见新民晚报“上海时刻”报道—— For details, please refer to "Shanghai Moment" report on Xinmin Evening News.
Regular Weekend Activities

The 208th to 212th regular weekend activities were carried out on August 2nd, August 9th, August 16th, August 23rd, and August 30th respectively, in Century Park and Minhang cultural park. Specifically, the 211th regular weekend activity on August 23rd was carried out in Century Park, and the other four were carried out in both Puxi and Pudong simultaneously.

This month, Lanjingling was joined by four new members, SONG Hu, LI Yunhui, CAI Guoping and CHU Yanping, who were visually impaired. Some of them joined as their friends introduced us to them, others joined due to recommendations by community centers. In the future, there will be more visually impaired members joining the Lanjingling community, to promote sports accessibility and to embrace a better self.

School Inclusive Activities
‘Song of Young Pioneers’ echoing in Minhang Cultural Park
On August 16th, Lanjingling’s regular weekend activity was joined by 12 students from Anshun Road Primary School.

The young pioneers with beYoureyeS T-shirts solemnly delivered Red Ties to our visually impaired Lanjingling members and their qualitied guide runners.

Then, the melody of ‘Song of Young Pioneers’ spontaneously ringed as the children sang it along with members of Lanjingling.

On the day, the students experienced a unique lesson on accessibility under the guidance of Clark, Mrs. Yin and Captain. Through assisting a ‘visually impaired’ partner they learned what obligation is; through experiencing the world blindfolded they learned that visually impaired people are still much capable of doing the things they do in everyday life.

The conclusion of the first phase of Tik-Tok Virtual Fitness Livestreaming
On August 2nd, Coach Aidon led the visually impaired participants to revise the essential postures and moves learned in the previous 10 lessons.

Through three months of learning, our fellow participants have gained a positive lot: some loss weight, some grew muscles, some improved endurance. Last but not least, all members harvested confidence and joy in the learning process!
The temporary conclusion to our virtual fitness livestreaming doesn’t at all hinder our passion on sports accessibility, we will persist on!

This is just a small step that Lanjingling has taken to promote sports accessibility, and it is a brilliant beginning for our visually impaired members to start stepping inside the gymnasium and to enjoy its facilities.
Lanjingling's Colorful Lives
beYoureyeS WeChat Channel is launched!
In the last week of August, beYoureyeS created a WeChat Channel account, perfectly complementing our weekly newsletter with vivid and vibrant videos. Feel the joy of us together!

Listen to the Nature

On the 212th regular weekend activity, the qualified guide runner WANG Shan, Lanjingling’s ‘biology expert’, shared her feelings when attaching with nature and paying careful attention to its sounds. Listening to birds, listening to insects, listening to the whispers of all the resplendent creatures of mother nature. Let us enjoy sports, and enjoy our lives.

【首周观鸟视频欣赏,制作:吴哲宏,配音:王珊 】
【First week of Listen to Natural, Maker: Wu Zhehong, Debbing: Wang Shan】
Thanks for your reading. We will see you next month!
beYoureyeS is a local NGO founded in January 2015 in Shanghai, China.
beYoureyeS is dedicated to promote sports accessibility, make it easier for visually impaired people to enjoy sports. Let everyone enjoy sports.
Whether a visually impaired runner or unimpaired runner, all of our participants are called "Lanjingling".
Lanjingling conveys the spirit of our concept: our charity caters to a variety of sports, road running, swimming, cycling and triathlon, to list a few. With us, regardless of the physical impairment, those who wish to participate in a race, are able to.
We hope to see you soon on the track and let's do something together for sports accessibility.
微信:beyoureyes 或扫描二维码

We hope that whilst we're in the competition together,
we may all converge our energy as one to make each and all strong,
We hope that whilst doing sports together,
we are able to find the nerve to be strong enough to face challenges head on.