Written before
Who has ever imagined, that we would all be living in the shadows of the COVID19 outbreak right at the start of this lunar new year? These days, some have been battling the virus at the frontline, some have been working from home, and others have rested in this dreadful winter. Our minds and bodies are intruded by all sorts of emotions: fear, anger, anguish, hopelessness...
14 days has passed, whereas there is 14 days to come. Yet, we ordinary people still have lots of things to do, even in such disorder and chaos.For instance, we can keep in smooth emotion, learn a new skill, value every bit of interest in life and show love and care to people around us, rather than wast any time and lose some of the most precious days of our lives. Last but not least, we are expected to wait for that moment when we can once again, indulgently inhale the fresh air, and run forward hand in hand.
摘要 Brief
In January, the beYoureyeS 5th Anniversary was grandly held. Additionally, we have carried out one regular weekend activity and one CSR activity; organized and participated in one sporting event; received one honorable reward; organized three accessible movie-watching activities; participated in one public forum; and carried out one concert performance in cooperation.
文字 Writer:晓斌 Clark
翻译 Translator:泱而 Neville 弘毅 Yoyo
编辑 Editor:纪元 Annie
蓝睛灵编辑部 Lanjingling Editorial Office
本月头条 The Biggest News!
The BeYoureyeS 5th Anniversary Held Grandly


beYoureyeS is five year old!
Five years,
1825 days,
Step by step,
Looking forward to the next five years, ten years, twenty years…
Hopefully, with our joint efforts,
Can we gradually improve the daily lives and employment
of people with visual impairments.
And together,
The beautiful “Fountain Plaza” will be built
“The Tide Direction” will be changed!
On January 12, ceaseless raindrops finally rested. The beYoureyeS 5th Anniversary was grandly held in Cypress Hotel.
分享部分 Sharing Session
At 3:30 p.m. the sharing session - part of the anniversary began, hosted by Chenhui - the first-time official host. We reviewed some memorable moments of 2019 in retrospect.

Annie, Xiaobin and Churge from Dow Chemical Company shared their own experiences and thoughts on CSR activities from unique perspectives.

And then, YIN Hong and ZHANG Jiebin, doing a presentation on our first ever fund-raising event - beYoureyeS “Rope 100” Relay Challenge.

Next up were SHEN Lin and Shuling. SHEN Lin introduced his experience of training regularly with his guide runner to improve his running ability and constantly refresh the marathon records since he joined Lanjingling.; whereas Shuling shared her fantastic experience of accompanied desert hiking with her guide runner Mrs. Jiang.

On behalf of all visually impaired runners, they delivered a gratitude letter to all the guide runners, for their company and care over the years.
晚宴 Dinner
At 6 o’clock in the evening, the feast officially began. Around 150 members joined. As hosts, Xuehui and Chunhui declared the beginning of the feast.

First, LIU Ying, secretary general of Shanghai Volunteers Foundation, and Annie, founder of beYoureyeS delivered speeches.

A variety of brilliant performances followed, including Pipa performance, English poetry recitation, opera performance and singing. Award ceremonies and lottery draws were interspersed.

Lastly, choir performances brought the environment to its climax, members of the English corner fulfilled one of their wishes of singing an English song.

Lanjingling doesn’t stop at sports, it’s more about supporting everyone to achieve his or her dream hand on hand.
Sincere thanks to all who supported and contributed to Lanjingling in 2019!
Regular Weekend Activities

The first regular weekend activity of 2020 (the 197th overall) was held on January 5 in Century Park. Afterwards, member of the English corner rehearsed for the upcoming performance in anniversary.

On January 12, regular weekend activity was replaced by sharing session – part of the beYoureyeS 5th Anniversary, and regular activities on January 19 and 26 were cancelled due to Chinese New Year.

赛事 Sports Races
Teams of Lanjingling participated in Run The Track

On the first of January 2020, Lanjingling, for the fifth consecutive annum, kicked off the vibrant New Year through joining Run The Track in SIC(Shanghai International Circuit).

This year, four teams from Lanjingling participated in the 21.6 km division and six teams participated in the 5km division. All participants reached the terminus safely.

A qualified guide runner, YIN Yihua, from beYoureyeS-Suzhou joined as the guide runner in Tianbao’s team. He fully got warmly welcomed and felt the harmony of cooperative efforts.

Corporate Social Responsibility Activities
Richemont Family Day

At 2 o’clock in the afternoon of January18, “Richemont Explorer journey” was opened. Held in the Richemont Twin Villas on Huaihai Road, this family-friendly event was titled “Technology changes lifestyle”.

It was the fourth consecutive time that beYoureyeS participated in this event.

This year, Lanjingling exhibited to viewers the role of technology as alternative means of physical actions and how technology can alter the daily lives of visually impaired individual, bringing them courage and joy that everyone deserves, by designing three games on “Blank Vision, Fulfilled Lives”.

Accessible Movie-watching Activities
The first ever “Loving Cinema” accessible training initiative was been successfully held

At 2:00 pm, January 16, beYoureyeS and Shanghai Charity Foundation carried out the first accessibility training for staff members from the 50 cinemas that will be the pioneers of accessible movie industry, “The Third Soundtrack”.

首先由上海市慈善基金会的陈晨部长向现场介绍了 “第三支音轨无障碍观影项目” 的发起初衷、详细的工作计划及未来的发展规划。
First, CHEN Chen, the secretary chief of Shanghai Charity Foundation introduced the aims, detailed plans and development schedules of “The Third Soundtrack Accessible Movies Project”.

Then, trainers from Lanjingling introduced the core aims and methods of assisting visually impaired individuals, and guided participants to experience and practice accessible guidance.
Guotai Cinema Accessible Guidance Training
In the forenoon of January 22, four Lanjingling trainers went to Guotai Cinema to give nine of its staff an accessible guidance training.

It’s been years since Guotai Cinema first began displaying specialized films for visually impaired individuals, hence most of staffs have some insight into visual impairment and accessibility, but they still have uncertainties on how to safely and correctly guide visually impaired individuals. Lanjingling trainers answered these questions instructively, teaching them the aims and the right methods of accessible guidance through vocalized sharing and interactive practices.
Lanjingling Watched the trial release Accessible Version of 《Lost in Russia》

On January 23, around 10 Lanjingling and their family members arrived at Palace Cinema-IAPM to witness the trial release of the accessible version of newly released blockbuster Lost in Russia.

Members of Lanjingling put on their headphones and listened to the live narration by “The third soundtrack” along with the movie’s original soundtrack, authentically “envisioning” actions on screen and experiencing what was previously perceived as visible only.

It was the first group of audiences to experience accessible movies in China, listening through headphones pre-recorded soundtracks, equally experiencing the join and excitement brought by movies.
Sourced from Xinmin Latenight Newspaper
How are they made?
First the manufacturer company needs to approve copyrights and provide materials (Including Footage and Soundtrack), then, specialized editors have to write language scripts to convey elements of the film that could only be visually received.
This is then followed by the vocalization of the script by professional narrators, which is recorded and preserved as a singular voicetrack, eventually being combined and edited using professional servers and software. And then came the birth of an “Accessible movie”
特别活动 Special Events
蓝睛灵受邀参加“益企未来•中华企业2019社会责任盛典” 并发言
Lanjingling was invited to join the “YIQI Future · Chinese Enterprise Social Corporate Responsibility Grand Ceremony 2019

In the afternoon of January 8, six Lanjingling members arrived at shanghai World Expo Museum to attend this grand ceremony. There, elite entrepreneurs and top scholars from around the globe discussed the topic of business and philanthropy.

上海市慈善基金会陈部长介绍“第三支音轨无障碍观影项目” 时,雪慧与 Sam 代表蓝睛灵上台发言。他们分享了自己与电影的故事,也都表达了对无障碍电影的期待。无障碍电影能让视障者与普通观众一样来到电影院看到最新档期的影片。雪慧和 Sam 真情实感的表达赢得了现场热烈的掌声!同时也向现场所有人传递了蓝睛灵所历来倡导的残障平等的理念。
Xuehui and Sam represented Lanjingling and addressed statements when Chen, secretary chief of Shanghai Charity Foundation introduced “The Third Soundtrack” project. They shared their own stories on films and expressed their anticipation for accessible films. Accessible films enable visually impaired individuals to watch new blockbusters just like everyone else. The authentic expression of Xuehui and Sam concluded with rapturous applause from the audience. They conveyed the ideology of equality for people with disabilities to every audience member.
Ken is selected as one of the top 10 Social Innovators of 2019


On January 11, the Top 10 Social Innovators of 2019 Ceremony- the annual Social Innovator Forum was launched grandly in Beijing, during which the top 70 social innovators in 7 different fields including education, environment, disability, medical health, rural development, science&technology charity and under 30 years old were announced. Ken received the award as one of the top 10 Social Innovators in the field of disability and made a speech on stage.
“Born for love” Philanthropy Concert

1月14日晚七点在上海大剧院的舞台上,由多位视障孩子与明星们共同为观众们带来了一场感人至深的“为爱而声 点亮梦想” 2020流行金曲慈善交响音乐会。蓝睛灵作为本次音乐会的支持单位推荐了多位富有才华的视障孩子。
On the stage of Shanghai Grand Theater at 7pm, January 14, visually impaired children shared the stage with musical celebrities, delivering to the audience a deeply touching 2020 philanthropy concert on “Born for love, lit the dream”

That night, 10 Lanjingling members got invited to spectate. Yihong, member of Lanjingling Council, represented Lanjingling to receive the medal and letter of gratitude issued by Shanghai Charity Foundation for charity organizations and corporations.
New Year Greeting
As always, we sent out Lanjingling blessing articles to celebrate the new year.
You can watch our Lanjingling's greeting video first, then read following articles
Thanks for your reading. We will see you next month.
beYoureyeS is a local NGO founded in January 2015 in Shanghai, China.
beYoureyeS is dedicated to promote sports accessibility, make it easier for visually impaired people to enjoy sports. Let everyone enjoy sports.
Whether a visually impaired runner or unimpaired runner, all of our participants are called "Lanjingling".
Lanjingling conveys the spirit of our concept: our charity caters to a variety of sports, road running, swimming, cycling and triathlon, to list a few. With us, regardless of the physical impairment, those who wish to participate in a race, are able to.
We hope to see you soon on the track and let's do something together for sports accessibility.
微信:beyoureyes 或扫描二维码

We hope that whilst we're in the competition together,
we may all converge our energy as one to make each and all strong,
We hope that whilst doing sports together,
we are able to find the nerve to be strong enough to face challenges head on.